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Booking your assessment

You can book your RAS or ACAT/S assessment through the My Aged Care website or by calling 1800 200 422. 

Alternatively, your assessment can be organised through referral by a health professional, including a doctor/GP, hospital discharge planner, social worker, or other medical experts.

Your first phone call or online application will take around 20 - 30 minutes and you will be asked a number of questions to figure out what type of assessment you need. 

If you have already registered with My Aged Care, you can provide your Aged Care ID Number, which is an 8 digit number with the letters 'AC' at the beginning, to organise your assessment.

Your answers during the application will help the aged care assessor prepare themselves for your assessment and what they need to discuss with you.

You will also need to provide your Medicare card details, your home address, phone number and email address. All of this information will be put into your My Aged Care record.

During this pre-assessment, you can also nominate someone - a family member, carer or close friend - as your representative. 

This person can talk to My Aged Care, assessors and providers on your behalf. They will also be able to assist with the aged care assessment, aged care service referrals, and managing your personal information on your online account.

After your pre-assessment, you should be contacted within two to six weeks by an assessor to organise the time for your face to face assessment.

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