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An accessible guide to virtual reality

Introducing our ‘guide to implementing virtual reality in aged care.’

“Don’t sit too close to the screen or you’ll get square eyes!” [Source: Shutterstock]

“Don’t sit too close to the screen or you’ll get square eyes!” [Source: Shutterstock]

The healthcare sector has revolutionised treatment and forms of therapy in recent years through technological advancement — changing the way specialists approach various aspects of patient care.

Among these innovations, virtual reality, commonly referred to as VR, stands out as a particularly promising tool when it comes to innovating aged care. The integration of VR technology into aged care settings has the potential to significantly enhance the seniors’ quality of life, offering them new avenues for engagement, mental stimulation and emotional well-being.

The challenges of aged care

Challenges in aged care may include loneliness, cognitive decline, and limited physical activity, both at home or in residential care facilities. Many seniors experience isolation due to reduced mobility, health conditions or the loss of loved ones. Additionally, cognitive decline and dementia can lead to a lapse in mental acuity and memory. Traditional activities and therapies, while helpful, may not always fully address these issues.

The COVID-19 pandemic brought unprecedented challenges to the aged care sector, exacerbating the isolation and health risks faced by seniors. Strict safety measures and lockdowns aimed at protecting vulnerable people inadvertently led to heightened feelings of loneliness and limited social interaction, which are detrimental to their overall well-being.

The power of virtual reality

Here is where VR emerges as a beacon of hope — by providing immersive experiences that transcend physical boundaries, VR can offer a lifeline to seniors. The tech enables them to virtually explore the world, engage in social activities, and enjoy therapeutic interventions — all from the safety of their surroundings. VR has the potential to mitigate the adverse effects of isolation, along with stimulating cognition and providing a sense of connection, to suit a need which has become even more apparent in the wake of the pandemic. These benefits position it as a powerful tool to enhance the lives of older people in challenging times and in the future of aged care.

VR offers a unique opportunity for seniors to break free from the constraints of their physical limitations and explore new horizons from the comfort of their surroundings.

Exploration and travel

For many seniors, travel may no longer be feasible due to health concerns. However, VR can recreate iconic destinations, thereby allowing seniors to virtually explore places they’ve always dreamed of visiting. Whether it’s walking along the shores of a distant beach, strolling through historic landmarks or marvelling at the wonders of the natural world, VR can spark a sense of adventure and exploration.

Cognitive stimulation

VR applications can be designed to challenge the cognitive abilities of ageing Aussies to enhance mental agility. Memory games, puzzles, and interactive storytelling can provide mental workouts that contribute to maintaining cognitive health. These activities are not only enjoyable but also promote cognitive stimulation, potentially slowing down cognitive decline.

Social interaction

One of the most impactful benefits of VR in aged care is the opportunity for social interaction. Seniors can connect with family members, friends or even meet new people in virtual environments. Virtual gatherings and shared activities foster a sense of community, combatting feelings of loneliness and isolation.

Therapeutic applications

VR has been used as a tool for pain distraction and management in older people, too. It can transport seniors to serene environments, diverting their attention from physical discomfort and promoting relaxation. Moreover, VR experiences can be tailored to alleviate symptoms of anxiety and depression, offering therapeutic support without the need for medication.

Recreating personal memories

VR can also bring back cherished memories, as seniors can virtually revisit their childhood homes, celebrate milestones from their past or engage in activities that were once meaningful to them. These experiences can evoke positive emotions and a sense of nostalgia, contributing to overall emotional well-being.

Implementing VR in aged care facilities

To fully harness the potential of VR in aged care, several considerations need to be addressed. First and foremost, user-friendliness is crucial to support older people using the new-fangled tech. VR applications should be intuitive, requiring minimal technical expertise for seniors to operate. Additionally, personalised experiences are key — tailoring content to an individual’s preferences and needs enhances the impact of VR interventions.

VR training for staff members is equally important in aged care. Care providers should be adept at introducing seniors to VR technology, assisting them during sessions and ensuring that the experience is positive and beneficial.

The future of aged care is virtual

As VR technology continues to evolve, its potential to revolutionise aged care becomes even more evident. The ability to improve cognitive function, alleviate feelings of isolation and provide novel forms of entertainment and therapy makes VR a powerful tool for enhancing the lives of seniors. By integrating VR into aged care facilities and home settings, providers can create environments that foster engagement, connection and joy for our ageing population.

Moving forward, it is important to combine technological innovation with compassion and empathy for older people. The goal is not only to enhance the quality of life for seniors but also to honour their life experiences and contributions. Virtual reality, with its capacity to transform aged care, is a remarkable step towards achieving this vision.


Have you tried VR yet or has someone you care for had the chance to do so? Let the team at Aged Care Guide know your thoughts. For more informative articles about the industry, products, research and news, subscribe to the Aged Care Guide newsletter. With fresh content — old news is a thing of the past.


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