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Calvary St Jude’s

Provided by Calvary


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Thu 18 Jul 2024 7:10pm

We placed my mum here 7 years ago. Why,? it was clean, seemed productive and had a vibrant community. People everywhere connecting and active. My saddest time was during covid, everyone locked down. I congratulate the staff seeing that through. It was indeed an awful time. The whole place seemed sad, residents stuck in their rooms. The vibe pre covid has now returned.
I lost my mum on June 30th, this year. The staff were awesome. The kindness and compassion afforded to me and my family was extremely touching. I was struck the next day that one of my first thoughts was that a family on the waiting list would get some good news. They would get a home for their loved one.
Their family member will be well cared for. All homes have their limitations, the reality of aged care.
However the staff at this facility do their absolute best. I thank them from the bottom of my heart for the care of my lovely mum.
Thankyou to you all for your help and compassion.

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