Victorian Search for Inspiring Women

Everest Champion Brigitte Muir
The Victorian 2007 Honour Roll of Women is now open for nominations- inspiring women and pioneers in high profile fields to join previous inductees such as Olympic champion Cathy Freeman, Victorian Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon, Mt Everest conqueror Brigitte Muir and leading medical researcher Dr Vasso Apostolopoulos.
About 20 new inductees, some with public profiles and some unknown, will be announced in March next year as part of International Women’s Day.
The honour roll was launched in 2001 to mark the Centenary of Federation, and aims to document the efforts of women in fields such as education, human rights, sport, the arts and social justice. 356 names have already been placed on the roll.
The award is open to any Victorian woman who has made a contribution to her community locally or internationally. It can be awarded posthumously.
Nominate at before 22 September.