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How a daily multivitamin dose may reduce the risk of dementia

As one ages, it’s a good idea to keep as healthy and active as possible. While many of us are familiar with the importance of exercise, did you know that new study results show the possible benefits of taking a daily multivitamin dose? It may reduce your risk of dementia!

<p>There are many ways to stay healthy as you age, with researchers of a new study stating the benefit of a daily multivitamin. [Source: Shuttershock]</p>

There are many ways to stay healthy as you age, with researchers of a new study stating the benefit of a daily multivitamin. [Source: Shuttershock]

Key points:

  • New study shows reduced cognitive decline in older adults when they consume a daily multivitamin
  • Untreated cognitive decline can lead to diseases such as dementia
  • In addition to multivitamins, taking other steps such as increasing exercise can also greatly increase an older person’s health


Australians older than 60 years may benefit from including multivitamins in their daily routine, as highlighted by new research results released recently.

Participants in the study were assigned a scheduled multivitamin dose and were studied by researchers who compared their results to a control group, with positive results evident; researchers emphasised the importance of their findings as untreated cognitive impairment can develop into other more serious conditions such as dementia. 

In a different study, researchers found that some medical treatments in past decades may have contributed to the onset of Alzheimer’s disease in some patients ‘due to transmission of the amyloid-beta protein’. Not only is this new scientific finding relevant as we learn more about the possible causes of Alzheimer’s disease, but it also highlights the importance of reducing the likelihood of cognitive decline through simple and accessible measures, such as multivitamin consumption. 

Currently, an estimated 400,000 Australians live with dementia, according to a report from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare in 2023, with a higher prevalence evident in women. However, by 2058, this is expected to have doubled with almost 850,000 Australians living with dementia, as per an estimate from the Australian Institute of Health and Welfare 2023. 

While the results from this study suggest the efficacy of multivitamins in reducing cognitive decline, it’s important to note that not all multivitamins are the same; there are often different quantities of ingredients, which vary from company to company, so it’s important to choose the multivitamin which suits you best. 

In this study, the multivitamin tablet was tailored to people over the age of 50 which contained:

  • vitamin D, which helps bone strength;
  • vitamin A to improve eye health;
  • vitamin B12, as it helps with metabolism and blood formation;
  • thiamin for muscle and nervous system functioning; 
  • riboflavin to assist with energy production;
  • manganese, as it helps to maintain bone strength and metabolise fats, along with cholesterol.

To find out which multivitamin is best suited to your lifestyle and health needs, head to your nearest pharmacy to discuss available options with your pharmacist.

Some multivitamins may interact negatively with any medication you are currently taking. If you are unsure, please seek medical advice. 

While taking a multivitamin is likely to reduce cognitive decline in older adults, having a healthy and balanced diet can also ensure that your body is getting the nutrition it needs. Check out this article on the best types of foods to eat for brain health: ‘The Dementia Diet.’

In addition to multivitamins, there are many other ways for older Australians to increase their general well-being. 

Owning a pet has significant advantages to keeping your brain sharp. To read more about this, head over to our article on Owning a Pet

Additionally, research has shown that the positive impact of walking can’t be understated; not only does walking help us to maintain a healthy body, but a short walk can help to combat depression. Here’s an article that highlights the scientific evidence of short walks


What do you find most useful in maintaining good health? Let the team at Talking Aged Care know your thoughts on social media.


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