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Experts explained what the best gift is for seniors on Mother’s Day

This simple idea could make a big difference in your loved one’s lives

<p>Knowing how to spoil Mum this Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be difficult, and it’s often the thought that counts. [Source: Shutterstock]</p>

Knowing how to spoil Mum this Mother’s Day doesn’t have to be difficult, and it’s often the thought that counts. [Source: Shutterstock]

Key points

Over six million mothers and countless mother-like figures are estimated to live in Australia, as per data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. With an ageing population, you might be visiting an aged care home to celebrate this Mother’s Day with loved ones. 

Almost 20 percent of Australians over the age of 75 years old report feeling lonely, which can negatively affect mental and physical health. The World Health Organization states that ‘the effect of social isolation and loneliness on mortality is comparable to that of other well-established risk factors, such as smoking, obesity and physical inactivity.’ This indicates the importance of doing what you can to reduce the likelihood of older Australians facing loneliness.

This year, visiting Mum in person or talking on the phone could be a great way to help her feel loved. 

You could also try baking a family-favourite recipe of cookies to bring fresh into your mum’s aged care home. This can be a great way to re-live memories of your childhood and start conversations. Making a big batch of cookies means that other residents without family members visiting can join in the celebration. If you’re planning to share with other residents, be sure to inform management so dietary concerns can be monitored. 

Additionally, making Mother’s Day cards with the grandkids in person could be a great way to provide bonding time and requires very little preparation. A few colouring pencils, different coloured cardboard and a glue stick are all that’s needed to create a personalised card for Mother’s Day. If you have an interest in craft, you could also try your hand at making a scrapbook of important memories that both you and your mum share.

While spending time with family in aged care can help strengthen connections, going to visit in person may not always be possible, because of factors such as illness or distance. However, having a phone call can highlight your care and gratitude for having them in your life. 

Elder Rights Advocacy Chief Executive Officer Debra Nicholl made it clear that spending quality time with our mothers can be more valuable than sending a gift, whether it be in person or over the phone.

“Whether your mum is in an aged care facility or living independently, please take the time to pick up the phone or pay a visit.

“So this Mother’s Day, let’s connect with our mothers and show them how much we value and appreciate them. Let’s make it a day of conversation and celebration of those who may be the most important women in our lives,” said Nicholl.

However, engaging in Mother’s Day celebrations can be a saddening time for people whose mothers have passed away. However, an organisation called Motherless Daughters Australia has some suggestions about how you can help people who are affected. 

According to Motherless Daughters Australia, acknowledging a person’s struggles on a day when mothers are celebrated can help ease some of the pain. Some of the organisation’s suggestions include saying:

  • ‘Today must be a really difficult, hard and sad day for you, I’m here if you need to chat or escape the day for a while.’
  • ‘Thinking of you today. If you’d like to, I would love to hear about your mum — anything at all. Send me your favourite photo of her, too!’
  •  ‘Hey, I just wanted to let you know I’m thinking of you. I know today is a hard day for you and you’re not alone.’

One of Motherless Daughters Australia’s founders Eloise Baker emphasised the importance of remembering mothers who are no longer with us.

“Saying a mum’s name not only validates that she lived but gives a person an opportunity to share a memory and celebrate her, it really is that simple,” said Baker. 

If you’re looking to get support as you navigate life without your mum, head over to the Motherless Daughters Australia website.

Additionally, Motherless Daughters Australia has released Mother’s Halo Cyclamen flowers available at selected retailers. Twenty cents from each plant goes to support the work of this organisation. 

What are your plans for Mother’s Day?

Let the team at Talking Aged Care know on social media. 

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