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The meaning of ‘ageing’

Victorian not-for-profit aged care provider, Benetas, will uncover what it means to be an ageing person in Australia at today’s launch of a research paper which explores the positive experiences of growing older.

Victorian not-for-profit aged care provider, Benetas, will uncover what it means to be an ageing person in Australia at today’s launch of a research paper which explores the positive experiences of growing older.

Written by the Reverend Canon, Dr Stephen Ames, and commissioned by Benetas, the paper titled Finding the way – A Theology of Ageing, explores the positive experiences associated with ageing and reflects the organisation’s strong connection with “Anglican heritage”.

Benetas chief executive, Sandra Hills (pictured), tells DPS News a major aim of the paper is to dispel negative stereotypes associated with ageing and older people, reiterating the link between “ageing well” and spirituality.

Benetas also commissioned the paper to:

  • have a basis for its faith-based organisation in service provision and advocacy, ensuring older people have ample opportunities to enjoy a positive experience of ageing; and
  • influence other organisations, governments and the general public to ensure older people are supported in these opportunities.

“We want to show that older people can continue to contribute to society as they age and – regardless of whether they lose their hearing or are diagnosed with dementia – they still have lot to contribute,” she says.

“It’s important for society to change its attitude towards older people and ultimately maintain dignity as we age.”

In its snapshot of ageing in Australia,  the report states: “We need another way of understanding ageing so as to be able to age well without pretending to be something we are not and without ignoring the real difficulties and pain that ageing often brings. A theology of ageing offers another approach.”

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