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Students create sensory gardens

A group of South Australian students have been working together to create sensory gardens for three ACH Group residential aged care facilities.

<p>Shenae and Jyson were all sweat and smiles while working towards building a sensory garden for ACH Group Milpara.</p>

Shenae and Jyson were all sweat and smiles while working towards building a sensory garden for ACH Group Milpara.

One of the gardens was created for ACH Group Milpara residential facility in Rostrevor.

Around 24 students from years 9 and 10 from Norwood Morialta High School have spent 12 weeks working on this extra curriculum project with work including paving, mulching, planting, carpentry, painting and customer service.

The school and ACH Group have been partnering in projects that promote an intergenerational approach between youth and older people.

Jyson Rumsby, 15 says this has been a good experience. “Every day we come here we learn something new that could help us in a career in the future because it is hands on,” he says.

For Shenae Huppatz, also 15, giving back has been the best part of the experience. “Residents come and say hello sometimes and it feels great to know we are creating this special space for them that will hopefully brighter their days. I am sure they will love the end result,” she says.

Year 9 Sub School Head Alexia Forbes says “it is very valuable for students not only to help the local community, but to interact with people in other stages of their lives”.

According to ACH Group Milpara’s manager Graham Harding the residents have been excited about the work students are doing.

“It was very pleasing to see that a lot of thought had gone into the design of the sensory garden, from contrasting colours and a variety of plantings to the position of seating and objects of interest.

“The finished product draws you in to different areas and supports way-finding for residents who would benefit from these additional sensorial cues,” Mr Harding says.

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