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Ruth is in control and loving it

Ruth Johnstone likes to be on top of everything when it comes to the services that she wants to maintain her independence, and with the 1 July Consumer Directed Care (CDC) reforms now in place, she can do just that.

<p>Ruth Johnstone says your aged care provider is there to support your decisions, but no one knows better than you about what you want and need.</p>

Ruth Johnstone says your aged care provider is there to support your decisions, but no one knows better than you about what you want and need.

With great knitting and sewing skills, Ms Johnstone supports various projects by providing blankets to those in need. She still finds time to help a friend – a magician to whom she sews puppets for, and she is always working on a new treat for the great-grandchildren.

Ms Johnstone knows what she wants hence she has welcomed the fact that, today, all Home Care Packages that support people to live independently will be offered with the customer in the driver’s seat.

Consumer Directed Care (CDC), as it is known allows people to have greater control over their own lives by allowing them, to the extent that they are capable and wish so to do, to make choices about the types of care services they access and the delivery of those services, including who will deliver the services.

The introduction of CDC responds to calls from consumers and their carers for increased flexibility, choice and control that have emerged from previous reviews of community aged care and government’s consultations.

“I use my money for what I need at the moment. But circumstances change and we needed this flexibility of choice to change things around to meet our needs,” she says.

Ms Johnstone adds that she appreciates the fact that she can rely on ACH Group’s advice and expertise but that her choice is respected and acted upon.

“I am managing my money really well with the decisions I am making. I have all of my needs met and am bale put money aside for emergencies. With CDC, I am on top of everything,” she says.

“Your aged care provider is there to support your decisions, but no one knows better than you about what you want and need.”

Ms Johnstone receives ACH Group’s support with domestic assistance and a few day-to-day tasks such as going to appointments. With the money she is able to save, she wants to “treat herself”.

“I have always loved to sing and to write. I used to sing at church for many years and would love to join a choir. I am also interested in writing so might join a writers’ group,” she says.

Whether she joins a choir, or a writer’s Group, it is her choice.

Find out more about the transition to Consumer Directed Care.

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