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New resource kit to support Muslim culture within aged care

Aged care provider ACH Group has partnered with local Islamic groups in South Australia (SA) to develop and release a new Muslim Resources Kit

<p> Ray Creen, Majhabeen Ahmad, Minister for Ageing Ken Wyatt, Charlie (Khalil) Shanin and Geoff Holdich (Source: ACH Group)</p>

Ray Creen, Majhabeen Ahmad, Minister for Ageing Ken Wyatt, Charlie (Khalil) Shanin and Geoff Holdich (Source: ACH Group)

The aim of the project was to design services that recognise and respect Muslim beliefs and practices, as well as building the capacity for ACH Group staff to deliver culturally appropriate services.

Mahjabeen Ahmad, who was recognised with a Governor’s Multicultural Award for outstanding individual achievement in aged care earlier in the year, led the project, which had design assistance from the Islamic Society of SA and the Islamic Arabic Centre.

ACH Group CEO Ray Creen says that the resources, which were launched on 28 September by Minister for Aged Care Ken Wyatt, were developed as part of a two-year Department of Health-funded Muslim Communities project.

“This project sought to build connections and the confidence of older Muslims and their families to consider the option of aged care support,” Mr Creen says.

“This is not usual practice for most older Muslims who have traditionally relied on family supports.

“It is our desire to continue to work with older people of all faiths and cultures to help them to be as healthy as they can be and to live their best lives.

“Work continues to ensure we understand the unique needs of people from diverse backgrounds to ensure they receive a tailored response from ACH Group.”

The kit includes printed and video resources to support front line staff and aged care service planners to deliver culturally and spiritually responsive care. It includes four fact sheets, a pocket guide for support workers and four videos, all available online.

Following his launch of the resource kit, Minister Wyatt has issued his congratulations and thanks to all involved.

“I congratulate ACH Group and I extend a special thank you to the Islamic Society of South Australia and the Islamic Arab Society,” he says.

“Your advice and cooperation during this process has been a huge part of this project’s ultimate success.

“We live in the most successful multicultural nation on the planet, and an important aspect of maintaining this success is providing well-rounded support to all people in old age.

“Staying connected to your heritage, and being cared for by someone who understands your background, can make all the difference to a happier, healthier and more fulfilling life.”

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