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My precious Aunty Ruth

Kay Newton has fond memories of admiring her Aunty Ruth as she morphed into a princess while getting ready for nights out at balls or dinners. She remembers feeling mesmerised by the beautiful gowns, jewellery and furs draped over her auntie’s body.

Kay Newton has fond memories of admiring her Aunt Ruth as she morphed into a princess while getting ready for nights out at balls or dinners. She remembers feeling mesmerised by the beautiful gowns, jewellery and furs draped over her aunt’s body.

“I would ask her, ‘when I grow up, will you buy me a beautiful dress, jewellery and fur to go to the ball?’

“She would say ‘of course’ every time, and I would go to bed so happy dreaming of sparkling gowns and music and dancing,” Ms Newton reminisces.

Today, she is just as in awe of her aunt, who celebrated her 100th birthday at Baptistcare’s David Buttfield Centre last month.

Wearing a pink tiara and clutching, with pride, her congratulatory letter from the Queen, Ruth Hayter (pictured), enjoyed an afternoon tea with residents and local councillors, Sharon Cooke and Samantha Jenkins, who presented Ms Hayter with a plaque from Mayor David Boothman.

Ms Newton gave a moving speech about her aunt’s amazing life of travel and how she worked tirelessly for charity.

“How on earth could I fit my aunt’s life into a few words? It’s not possible,” she began.

While she was born at home in Victoria’s small town of Trafalgar, between Kalgoorlie and Boulder, Ms Hayter was a social butterfly; full of adventure and knowledge as she travelled the world many times.

“She made friends everywhere she went. In her earlier days, she was at every event on Perth’s social calendar… always dressed impeccably.

“She has had such a full and interesting life, and has always been strong and independent; never wanting to be a bother – and she never has been.

“I always leave visits with Aunty Ruth feeling lighter and with a new sense of enthusiasm and strength,” she says.

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