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Leena’s new lifestyle keeps her moving

A new project is helping South Australian residential aged care residents out of their ‘comfort zones’ and into a more active and ‘savvy’ life.

<p>ACH Group Kapara resident, Leena, left, is living a new lifestyle thanks to Flinders University occupational therapy student, Liam Walters.</p>

ACH Group Kapara resident, Leena, left, is living a new lifestyle thanks to Flinders University occupational therapy student, Liam Walters.

Moving into residential aged care wasn’t always easy for ACH Group Kapara resident, Leena, who grew up on a big farm in Finland. From a very active family, she played different sports, had her own horse and a great childhood.

“When I moved to Kapara, my lifestyle changed and it was difficult. I thought that I would no longer be active or learn new things,” she says.

However, the new project by Flinders University occupational therapy student, Liam Walters, has resulted in Leena looking forward to each day. 

The residents are encouraged to set goals and track their movements with exercise tracker 'fitbit'. The data is collected and residents can follow their progress using an iPad.

“Leena has always been an active person, so having a fitness goal motivated her. In addition to that, she is learning more about technology and how an iPad can help her feel closer to her family and learn new things,” Mr Walters says.

Since being involved with the project, Leena has used the iPad to Skype her family and has downloaded some apps to learn new languages – she speaks Finnish, Swedish, German and English and is now learning Spanish.

“I was feeling a bit down and didn’t feel like I had much to look forward to, but now there aren’t enough hours in my day. I might have to live to 200 to be able to fit all the things I want to do in my life!” Leena says.

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