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LASA system supports safety and quality management long-term

SPONSORED STORY – With the new Aged Care Quality Standards now effective, the age services industry should be aware this is not the only regulatory change that came into force on 1 July. 

<p>The new Safety & Quality Management System has been backed by the age services industry with an overwhelming show of support. [Source: LASA]</p>

The new Safety & Quality Management System has been backed by the age services industry with an overwhelming show of support. [Source: LASA]

Legislative changes and adjustments to the new Standards, particularly in light of the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality and Safety, mean the goalposts may change and the costs of remedying non-compliance is significant.

To help the industry stay ahead of the curve and remove transition pain points, Leading Age Services Australia (LASA) has developed a subscriber-only Safety & Quality Management System.

The new quality system has been backed by the age services industry with an overwhelming show of support from home care and residential care providers across Australia, since it was released in April.

One of the reassuring features of LASA’s online quality system is the offer of free updates for subscribers in line with regulatory and legislative changes, removing a crucial pain point.

LASA Chief Executive Officer, Sean Rooney says this is something that was factored into the development of the quality system from the beginning.

“We understand that maintaining compliance long-term is an issue for providers, and that’s why we offer free updates as part of the subscriber package,” says Mr Rooney.

“Staying up-to-date with the latest requirements is a must-have in order for providers to take the time to focus on their primary work to deliver high quality care.

“Providers need to be secure in the knowledge they have the right policies and procedures in place in real time.”

With more than 150 subscribers in the first three months, uptake has exceeded expectations and feedback has been overwhelmingly positive.  

Both home care and residential care providers have been amazed at the system’s ease of use, and how much it supports them in their day-to-day operations.

The new Standards require changes not only in how aged care is delivered, but in many cases there needs to be a whole-of-business cultural shift. 

When providers have their operations under control, they can take the time to work with their staff on transformative and innovative care solutions, and to develop a new vision for care.

Mr Rooney says, “LASA’s quality system is not just about the new Standards, it’s about a long-term solution for providers that they can rely on.

“It’s really about giving providers the confidence to take control of their business, and be in a strong position to drive the cultural change embedded in the new Standards.”

LASA’s quality system offers features that will take operations to another level, including dual language capability and compatibility with other business systems, such as care management, finance and storage.

A cloud-based system, staff can access it from any Internet-enabled device and version control will be a thing of the past, making it ideal for remote and multi-site operators.

Easy-to-use and built on a robust award-winning platform, there is also free help desk support during business hours.

LASA Members receive a 20 percent discount on their subscription with rural and remote operators getting an additional 20 percent discount, meaning they save 40 percent on a subscription.

To find out more about LASA’s Safety and Quality Management System or to purchase this product, please call 1300 111 636, email or visit

Safety & Quality Management System Key Points

  • 60 plus customisable policy and process templates

  • Free updates

  • Cloud-based computing

  • User-friendly

  • Foreign-language enabled

  • Integrated system

  • Award-winning technology

  • Help desk 

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