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How to future proof your aged care organisation (beyond COVID)

SPONSORED STORY: While the aged care industry remains in a state of unrest and uncertainty, providers still need to focus on the future beyond COVID and the challenges that come with it.

<p>Community sector consulting service, Amergin, has been working alongside aged care, disability and community care organisations to support them through their ongoing operations. [Source: Supplied]</p>

Community sector consulting service, Amergin, has been working alongside aged care, disability and community care organisations to support them through their ongoing operations. [Source: Supplied]

Community sector consulting service Amergin is leading the charge to help providers right across Australia ‘future proof’ their business and navigate through these unexpected and unpredictable market environments.

Amergin has been working alongside aged care, disability and other community care organisations for many years to help not only establish providers in the sector, but to support them through their ongoing operations; whether it be quality management, compliance or strategic and operational change, growth and beyond.

Amergin’s Aged Care Manager, Aynsley Johnson, says, “Providers continue to contact us excelling in many areas of their business, however knowing that something needs to change.”

Mrs Johnson has received feedback from providers saying that they were getting “a flood of referrals” but couldn’t take on any more clients as a result. 

“Lacking clarity in relation to financials or the challenges the organisation was experiencing was holding them back from expanding or implementing efficiencies across their processes,” says Mrs Johnson. 

Amergin’s recently launched ebook, 2020 Strategic Planning Guide for Community Businesses, ensures providers can confidently keep moving their organisation forward no matter what’s thrown their way. 

The guide helps providers to develop (or update) a Strategic Plan, navigate changes, highlight what might be missing, refine/redefine a companies Vision, Mission and Values and set out priorities and goals for the next 3 years.

Through one-on-one consulting support, downloadable resources, templates and video courses the guide has already assisted numerous providers to keep moving forward no matter the challenges ahead.

Alfred Summers, Service Manager with Indigenous community care provider, Krurungal, recently shared his experience of how Amergin was able to help them with strategic planning.

“We’re in a really strong position. We have a clear direction and plan, the whole team is motivated and on board with the changes we’ve made, our processes are more efficient, our marketing works and we have a weight off our shoulders,” says Mr Summers.

When providers can’t seem to find enough hours in the day, Amergin’s team of Social Impact Consultants are ready and waiting to draw upon their extensive industry experience and knowledge to fill those gaps.

Having only recently been selected to be part of the Department of Health Aged Care Policy Design Panel, Amergin has affirmed its position within the sector as it continues to advocate for and support those operating in the aged care sector.

No matter the size or direction of the organisation, Amergin can provide support with:

  • Renewal and compliance

  • Project management and stakeholder engagement

  • Business, strategic and operational planning

  • Marketing strategies and delivery

  • Launching new programs and services to help or invigorate your brand

  • Provider workshops and education/training for staff

  • Review and analyse your quality management systems (and provide support to implement recommendations)

The challenges faced by aged care providers during this uncertain time will start to dissipate, and only those who are prepared and have planned for the ‘other side’ of COVID will be in a position to achieve great things for their business, and in return the consumers they support.

To learn more about how Amergin can get you from where you are to where you want to be, visit their website or telephone the Aged Care Manager, Aynsley Johnson on 07 3056 0920 today!

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