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Global Centre for Modern Ageing launch online COVID-19 portal for older people

In a bid to further support older Australians during the COVID-19 crisis, the Global Centre for Modern Ageing (GCMA) has launched an online information portal full of tips and links to staying healthy, connected and active.

<p>The new Modern Ageing Portal is trying to cut through the difficult and vague language of restrictions and regulations, and provide trusted information about the coronavirus. [Supplied: iStock]</p>

The new Modern Ageing Portal is trying to cut through the difficult and vague language of restrictions and regulations, and provide trusted information about the coronavirus. [Supplied: iStock]

Since social distancing and other safety measures are still in play, even though restrictions are easing from State to Territory, the GCMA created the ‘Modern Ageing Portal’ as an easy access online resource.

The Modern Ageing Portal is trying to cut through the difficult and vague language of restrictions and regulations, and intends to be a “one-stop shop” to find trusted and correct information about the coronavirus.

Chief Executive (CE) of the GCMA, Julianne Parkinson, says that there is too much information available about the coronavirus that may or may not be true, which is why the Modern Ageing Portal wants to provide reliable information to older Australians.

“There is a plethora of information on the internet, but much is of varying quality or not of interest to older people,” explains Ms Parkinson.

“Our free portal has curated trusted information that older people can access with the click of a button. We have designed the portal to have intergenerational appeal and believe that people of all ages will find it useful.”

Another big push towards this online portal by the GCMA is recent research showing that older Australians are increasingly technology savvy, with more than one in five people, 21 percent, aged over 60 engaging in new technology, especially since the beginning of the pandemic.

The GCMA research has also found that over half of older Australians, 57 percent, have concerns regarding the COVID-19 outbreak, and 46 percent of older people are concerned about their physical wellbeing during this time.

There are five categories on the Modern Ageing Portal for older Australians to easily navigate, including, food and nutrition, health and wellbeing, physical activity, social connection, and work and e-learning.

Ms Parkinson says, “Visitors can do everything from finding the latest recipes, to jumping in and getting tips on using Zoom. We hope this curated site will help people to stay connected, and that it will continue to have relevance after the pandemic.”

The GCMA has research finding that despite COVID-19 restrictions, around 51 percent of older Australians believe positive changes have occurred from this outbreak.

A national survey by the GCMA of more than 1,350 people found that 19 percent of older Australians aged over 60 believe there has been more social cohesion and wellbeing seen in the country over this difficult period.

The survey also showed that even though many older people have had limited contact with their grandchildren and family, they still felt an improved community spirit.

Additionally, participants felt like people were more likely to keep in touch with others and be more neighbourly.

Ms Parkinson says, “We know technology has played a big role in this, our research shows 29 percent of older Australians have increased their social media use to stay connected. We expect this trend will lead to permanent change.”

To access the Modern Ageing Portal, head to the Global Centre for Modern Ageing website.

For more information about the coronavirus, visit the Aged Care Guide COVID-19 update page.

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