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Fred’s ‘volunteering’ Fridays

Fred Artis drives more than 80 kilometres every Friday to encourage older people to continue pursuing their passions. At 77 years old, Mr Artis has been an ACH Group volunteer for more than 14 years.

<p>Fred Artis drives more than 80 kilometres every Friday to encourage older people to continue pursuing their passions</p>

Fred Artis drives more than 80 kilometres every Friday to encourage older people to continue pursuing their passions

ACH Group is a not for profit organisation offering a range of aged care, veteran care and residential care services in Adelaide and regional South Australia.

Having worked in the building trade and at South Australian newspaper, The Advertiser, for 13 years, Mr Artis has always been an active person.

“I am a strong believer that people should keep doing things no matter what age they are. I kept busy when I stopped paid work. I work on my garden, have grandchildren and great grandchildren,” he said.

However, Mr Artis still wanted to do more, and, through Southern Volunteering, he found out about volunteering opportunities at ACH Group.

“I get along with people and enjoy the social aspect of driving people places. It’s not just about the journey, but also the fact that they have a chance to keep doing what they like and not be isolated,” he said.

Mr Artis described volunteering as something he looked forward to, and also felt fulfilled by the self motivation that comes with the service.

Driving an ACH Group customer to an art group has also given Mr Artis something else to look forward to as it has brought out the artist in him.

“I was driving this particular gentleman from Aldinga to Riverside Artists group at Port Noarlunga when I saw an opportunity to join the group and found a new passion in painting,” he said.

“I do what I can to support people and, although I am 77, I feel young at heart and look forward to my next 14 years as a volunteer.”

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