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Erin’s volunteer work takes the win

An award winning aged care volunteer has made it her job to spend time with each resident, keeping them engaged with their past and present.

<p>Erin Young, Anglicare Australia National Awards – Volunteering Excellence recipient, accepts her award with Anglicare Australia's Bishop Chris Jones.</p>

Erin Young, Anglicare Australia National Awards – Volunteering Excellence recipient, accepts her award with Anglicare Australia's Bishop Chris Jones.

Erin Young has recently been rewarded for her outstanding achievement, being recognised as the winner of the Anglicare Australia National Awards for Innovation and Excellence – Volunteering Excellence category.

The 40 year old is a long standing member of the Benetas Broughton Hall community in Victoria's suburb of Camberwell, one of Benetas' 13 residential aged care facilities across Victoria.

Volunteering with the not for profit aged care provider for more than 14 years, Ms Young volunteers at Benetas two days a week, assisting to organise a range of lifestyle and care activities.

Emily Butler, Benetas Broughton Hall lifestyle coordinator, singled out Ms Young's contribution as essential to the lifestyle program at Broughton.

“The motivation and positive attitude Erin brings to Broughton week after week is a real inspiration,” Ms Butler says.

“She makes it her job to spend time with each and every resident – keeping them engaged with their past and present.

“This is invaluable to addressing social isolation in aged care and Ms Young's work is a key part of the friendly and caring atmosphere at Benetas Broughton Hall,” she says.

Social isolation continues to be an important issue in ageing and Benetas remains committed to addressing this with the help and assistance of its volunteers.

Benetas chief executive, Sandra Hills, congratulates Ms Young on her outstanding achievement, saying it's a “wonderful” recognition of her hard work and dedication, but also of the community at Benetas, and in particular, Benetas Broughton Hall.

“I congratulate Erin and thank her for her many years of service,” Ms Hills says. “It’s the dedication of staff, volunteers and carers that ensure a truly outstanding work and living environment,” she adds.

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