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Changes to the Aged Care Quality Standards

The new national Aged Care Quality Standards launched today, establishing a higher quality of care model for consumers in Australia that applies in all aged care settings including residential and in-home aged care services.

<p>These new Aged Care Quality Standards complement the single Charter of Aged Care Rights, which also commences today. [Source: Shutterstock]</p>

These new Aged Care Quality Standards complement the single Charter of Aged Care Rights, which also commences today. [Source: Shutterstock]

These new standards complement the single Charter of Aged Care Rights, which also commences today, which supports the rights of all people receiving aged care services.

Making sure to cover all aged care services, the new standards and single charter will include residential services, home care and home care packages, short-term restorative care, the Commonwealth Home Support Programme and the National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Flexible Aged Care Program.

Janet Anderson PSM, Aged Care Quality and Safety Commissioner, says the new standards raise the bar and strengthen the focus on consumer centred care, which revolves around respect, dignity and identity of the individual, and seeks to improve the consumers experiences and outcomes of care.

“The new standards require aged care providers to work with each of their consumers to ensure that they receive safe, quality care that is shaped by the consumer’s needs, goals and preferences,” says Ms Anderson. 

“The new standards are an important step in aged care reform which will help providers to clarify their responsibilities and help consumers to know what they can expect from aged care services. 

“The new standards were developed following extensive consultation with consumers, service providers, experts and the wider community.” 

The Aged Care Quality and Safety Commission will monitor and assess provider performance against these new standards from today.

Ms Anderson says the commitment from aged care providers to prepare for the introduction of the new standards has impressed her, and support from the Commission will continue well after 1 July.

“Over the last year, we have seen more than 30,000 people across Australia access the face-to-face education sessions and online training videos regarding the new standards,” says Ms Anderson. 

“Recently, the Commission distributed a provider education pack to over 5,000 aged care services to support their preparations, and all material is available for download on the Commission website.” 

Information on the new standards and copies of the charter are available on the Commission website.

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