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Benetas reaffirms commitment to workplace equality

Victorian aged care provider Benetas has a longstanding commitment to promoting the need for fair conditions for both genders in its workforce. As it celebrates International Women’s Day, the organisation has reaffirmed this commitment to gender equality.

<p>Benetas chief executive officer Sandra Hills</p>

Benetas chief executive officer Sandra Hills

Benetas chief executive officer Sandra Hills says this year’s International Women’s Day focus of gender parity is particularly relevant to the work of the organisation.

“We firmly believe that both men and women should have access to the same conditions, opportunities and support in the workplace,” she says.

“We know that a happy workforce is one that is supported to thrive, and we can do this by acknowledging the challenges both genders face in the workforce and addressing these by offering flexible and innovative work practices and responding to pay inequality.”

Benetas was awarded the Workplace Gender Equality Agency’s (WGEA) Employer of Choice for Gender Equality for a tenth consecutive year in 2015.

“Last year’s Gender Equality Scorecard reported that the overall gender pay gap for full-time workers is 24 per cent, meaning men earn an average total of $27,000 a year more than women, but for Benetas the overall gender pay gap is seven per cent and steadily decreasing,” Ms Hills says.

“Through a range of initiatives, such as offering pay and other terms and conditions that are well above the minimum provided under relevant Modern Awards and conducting regular pay gap analysis, we are continually working to identify and lower the gender pay gap.

“The report also told us that only 27 percent of key management personnel positions in Australia are held by women, whereas at Benetas this figure is as high as 50 percent,” according to Ms Hills.

“While we’re proud to be leading the way on gender equality in the workplace, we understand there is still some way to go.

“We look forward to continuing to work to promote gender equality at Benetas, for the benefit of our staff, our industry and the older people we support.”

Benetas offers access to a range of initiatives which promote gender equality, including actively encouraging men to take up parental leave, working flexibly to share caring responsibilities, and a suite of leadership and career development opportunities.

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