Women’s health issues: heart, depression and the new 45 year old health check
The Jean Hailes Foundation for Women’s Health has released its bi-annual magazine, featuring a range of issues relevant to the health and wellbeing of Australia’s five million women aged 35 years and over – a quarter of the country’s population.
Employing specialist endocrinologists (hormone specialists), gynaecologists, general practitioners, medical researchers, allied health professionals and health educators, the Foundation is Australia’s pre-eminent women’s health organisation conducting medical research, education and clinical care.
The Foundation offers independent advice and is not-for-profit, with funding provided by the federal government, philanthropic organisations, private individuals and corporate entities.
The lastest winter edition features:
– What women need to know about their heart
– Depression: more than just the blues
– Aged 45 to
? You may be eligible for a new health check rebate
For more information visit www.jeanhailes.org.au