Victoria cancer precinct
A new world-class cancer precinct in Victoria is a step closer with the announcement of $5 million for detailed planning works to start.
Premier John Brumby said planning for a Comprehensive Cancer Centre (CCC) would investigate bringing together parts of the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Ludwig Institute for Cancer Research, Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research and health research facilities from the University of Melbourne.
Cancer is the leading cause of death for Victorians, and a CCC will be modelled on overseas centres and offer integrated cancer services from research through to treatment.
The development of the proposal will focus on the former Dental Hospital site adjacent to The Royal Melbourne Hospital.
The CCC will expand Victoria’s cancer research capacity. It will also link with broader biomedical research, like that being undertaken by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute, increase treatment options, and allow further clinical trials of ground breaking research.