Vic seminars on Preparing for an Ageing Australia start 25 June with nutrition focus
The Ministerial Advisory Council of Senior Victorians, Monash Research for an Ageing Society, Council on the Ageing Victoria, Brotherhood of St Laurence and La Trobe University are holding a series of seminars on Preparing for an Ageing Australia .
This seminar series will inform older people, planners, policy makers, individuals and service organisations.
It will provide topical information on key issues affecting the Victorian community, focusing on older people. It will also provide participants with the opportunity to contribute to public discussion and policy formulation.
After each seminar a brief summary of the proceedings, highlighting potential policy, research and service directions, will be available on the website below.
Seminars include: urban and rural renewal, the impact on older people, building an environment for an ageing society, and physical and social planningsbuday
The first seminar will take place on 25 June and will look at “Accessing affordable and nutritious food: Influences on healthy ageing”.
Healthy eating is essential for good health and wellbeing for all members of our community. It is a key component of a healthy lifestyle and includes having a wide variety of nutritious foods available and consuming regularly.
Some groups of older people are particularly at risk of not having adequate access to nutritious food. The reasons for this include insufficient income to purchase nutritious food, physical inability to get to the shops and carry purchases home, lack of public transport options and safe walkable routes, and lack of culturally appropriate food choices.
This seminar will discuss food security and sustainability in relation to healthy ageing and consider strategies required at the individual, community and governmental levels to ensure that all older Victorians have access to affordable and nutritious food.
Details of this and later seminars can be found at