Understanding Dementia
ACH Group is seeking a Manager for its new Dementia Services Learning and Development Unit. The Unit will support the growth and learning of the organisation in serving older people with dementia.
“We want to deliver services to people with dementia that have strong person centred focus, are evidenced-based and which are developmental and innovative,” Dr Mike Rungie, CEO of ACH Group said.
“The person who leads this new Unit will have an absolute passion for dementia, will have experience across the spectrum of dementia services and will assist us both develop our staff and to continually innovate and improve our services.”
ACH Group has nominated services to people with dementia as a particular focus in its 2005-2010 Strategic Plan. ACH Group already provides a wide range of specialist health, housing, community and residential care services to people with dementia, including new high care community and residential options.
The unit will develop framework for service development, service delivery and for learning and development across the organisation. The unit will be responsible for identifying and facilitating (in some cases delivering) training staff across the organisation.
ACH Group is making this new investment to ensure that we lead better practice in dementia services, and that we support people with dementia and their families throughout their whole journey, from diagnosis through to their needing specialist care.
If you would like to know more about this position, please visit website www.ach.org.au