Transparency – independent assessment of standards – Rosden Private Nursing Home report released
The Department of Health and Ageing has released the 38 page Report of Major Findings on the review audit into Rosden Private Nursing Home.
The report outlines the recommendations of the independent assessors to the Aged Care Standards and Accreditation Agency, on the areas of non compliance at the home with Aged Care Accreditation Standards.
The Minister for Ageing, Mrs Justine Elliot, said the Accreditation Agency assessors had also revised their recommendations on the number of non compliant outcomes from 17 to 20 – out of a possible 44 outcomes – and previously identified serious risk to the health, safety and well being of residents.
As for appeal rights, the approved provider will have the opportunity to comment on the finding, prior to a final decision by the Agency regarding the home’s accreditation status.
The Department of Health and Ageing issued an Instrument Under Subsection 86-9(1) of the Aged Care Act 1997 to allow for the public release of the Statement of Major Findings.
The issues of concern at Rosden Private Nursing Home include:
- Privacy and space requirements;
- Inadequate toilet, shower and bathroom facilities for the number of residents, which are also being shared by male and female residents at the same time, impacting on their privacy and dignity;
- Safety issues, including potential fire hazards; potential tripping and choking hazards; and
- Dirty communal bathrooms, floors, walls, chairs and equipment.
In response, the Australian Government has taken tough action, including:
- Daily visits by the Accreditation Agency;
- Commonwealth Nursing Officers visiting the nursing home twice daily;
- Revocation of all places at the nursing home with effect from midday on 1 October;
- Relocating all residents – in consultation with their families and other nursing homes;
- Hiring of a relocation expert – Tender Living Care – to assist family and residents;
- The Department has a 1800 078 709 free number for residents and their families; and
- No Commonwealth subsidies for new residents.
The full assessment is available at: