Top cats Diablo and Gypsy in carers’ home visit row
Two Melbourne cats called Diablo and Gypsy have been blamed by the Monash Council for stopping carers from visiting the home of Ms Mandy Bell to assist with treatment.
Ms Bell has required assistance for the past two years to help her cope with a brain tumour and lymphedema and that time was cat-incident free. But five weeks ago the Monash Council ordered the carer nurses not to visit Ms Bell’s home unless Diablo and Gypsy were restrained.
According to Ms Bell, who denied a home cat problem, she could not lock the pair up because they would fret. She was also disappointed that the council officers themselves who made the order had not visited her home themselves to meet Diablo and Gypsy.
The council said that Ms Bell had refused to accept an occupational health and safety order that demanded the cats be locked away from carers. Support for Diablo and Gypsy is building with the Top Cat Film company pledging $500 to help with care costs.