The top 20 part-time jobs for US boomers
Registered nurses (RNs), security guards and chiropractors have all made the list of Top 20 Part-time Jobs for Boomers, based on data compiled by the US Department of Labor.
The US Newsday magazine report comments that with boomers themselves in line for more medical care, the need for RNs is not surprising: what is interesting is the demand for part-time janitors and caption writers.
Mature Americans are postponing, or coming out of retirement. Part-time work helps bridge the gap by shoring up income while offering more free time.
Newsday says: “It’s not just about the money. Whether they’re embarking on an encore career or putting a new spin on a lifelong profession, many boomers and matures would rather stay vital in the workplace than kick back on the golf course.”
Knowing where their skills are needed most helps chart their course.