Tea time goes high tech
Having a humble cuppa could help older Australians stay safe in the future, National Seniors Australia (NSA) chief Michael O’Neill told the 2020 summit ‘Strengthening communities, supporting families and social
inclusion’ group over the weekend.
Japanese technology can link a kettle to a mobile phone, so every time an elderly person boils water for their morning cup of tea a message is sent to a family member letting them know their relative is up and well.
Such advances are among the opportunities, rather than just the challenges, the NSA group discussed.
Mr O’Neill said it was critical not to frame the issue of an ageing population as a threat, but recognise the potential for positives.
He pointed to the kettle example as one technological advance that would help families check on elderly relatives living alone without invading their space.
“So without any invasion at all of a person’s space or dignity, you are able to know that that person is alive and having a cup of tea or whatever the case may be,” Mr O’Neill told AAP (Australian Associated Press).
“That’s a simple example of the kind of technology there is for us to explore that can help people remain in their own home.”
It was crucial Australia used the resources of its older citizens more productively, which may involve people working longer, volunteering as they move into retirement and the mentoring of younger people,” Mr O’Neill said.
Flexible hours and grandparents’ leave would encourage people to stay in the workforce longer, which in turn helps older Australians remain socially connected and be better financially prepared for retirement.