Tasmanian public hospital development
The Department of Health and Human Services is developing a clinical services plan. The plan will provide strategic direction to guide the future development of Tasmanian public hospitals over the next decade.
The vast majority of health care services needed by Tasmanians are delivered within the state. There are however some services which are not, and others which are, provided at only one of the three major hospitals, for example major heart surgery.
A clinical services plan will examine which services should be delivered at all three hospitals and which services are more appropriately provided in one specialist centre.
Like all other states Tasmania’s health system faces a range of pressures with an ageing population, and higher levels of chronic disease than other states, leading to a high and growing demand for a range of services. This places pressure on the funding of services, attracting and retaining a skilled workforce, and meeting changing technology and equipment needs.
The plan will include an overview of the significant issues that impact on the improvement of the community’s health. It will include analysis of current health services as well as looking at the projected demand over the next decade.
The community’s views are being sought in the development of the plan which will be completed by May 2007. You can submit information either as an individual or as part of a community group. A pro forma has been developed to enable you to have your say. You can either complete the feedback form or post your information.
To access the feedback form visit http://www.dhhs.tas.gov.au/agency/as/form.php