Survey into not-for-profit community organisations’ experience in Working with the corporate sector
The Centre for Corporate Public Affairs has been commissioned by the Department of Housing, Families, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs to undertake a major study into Australian not-for-profit (NFP) community organisations and corporate community investment.
The purpose is to understand how to facilitate better corporate engagement with not-for-profit organisations and optimise the contribution of business to not-for-profit work.
The research follows a report the Centre completed in 2007, entitled ‘Corporate Community Investment in Australia’ which included input from 110 companies via online survey, workshops and submission of materials.
The Centre would like input from NFP organisations in determining the key issues, success factors and future challenges that exist in working with business.
To ensure the research includes as broad a cross-section of the not-for-profit sector as possible, the Centre is inviting NFP organisations to participate in an online survey.
The study will be completed by mid-2008 and hard copies of the report will be distributed to all participants.
For more information visit