Social isolation in the ACT
As part of ongoing research into social isolation among seniors in the Australian Capital Territory (ACT), a series of community forums was conducted over the previous week.
The forums were well attended by senior members of the community, stakeholder groups as well as the ACT Minister for Ageing, John Hargreaves, and representatives from the Chief Minister’s office.
The forums provided attendees with the opportunity to provide direct input towards the development of a strategic plan to curb social isolation in the ACT.
The forums are the final phase of a year-long project initiated by National Seniors, the ACT Ministerial Advisory Council and the ACT Office for Ageing which set out to investigate barriers and identify possible solutions to social isolation.
Looking specifically at issues around health, housing, retirement and support services, the final outcomes from the consultation will be deliberated by the Ministerial Advisory Council on Ageing and strategic advice will be delivered to the ACT Minister for Ageing for consideration and implementation.