Seniors over-medicated and under-excercised say chiropractors
Seniors are often over-medicated and under-exercised and are needlessly over-burdening our current health care system, according to the Chiropractors’ Association of Australia (NSW) president, Bryce Conrad.
Mr Conrad said many seniors were unaware of the benefits that are possible through regular chiropractic care. He said an American based study had found that elderly chiropractic users were:
- less likely to have been hospitalised or use a nursing home;
- more likely to report a better health status;
- exercised more;
- were more mobile; and
- were less likely to use prescription drugs.
A further survey of American chiropractic patients aged 65 years and older compared non-chiropractic patients and found they visited a medical provider half the number of times, spent only 31% of the national average for health care services, and had better overall health habits.
“Chiropractors and general practitioners often work together for patient-based care,” Mr Conrad said.
“Chiropractic care uses safe and natural methods to improve health and can help reduce the strain on patients, our health care system and our economy.
“Chiropractic treatments can be specifically tailored to elderly patients and are designed to eliminate acute and chronic pain, increase flexibility, improve mobility and function, increase strength, enhance balance and increase the overall quality of life,” he said.
In particular, Mr Conrad said chiropractic care can help reduce the risk of falls, a common cause of injury in the growing population of 65 years and older (an age group estimated to number world-wide, almost two billion by 2050) – which has a direct cost to our health system of approximately $6,500 per one fall injury episode in Australia.