Seniors budget for ACT and NT
The key focus of the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) budget is investing in community services with a $272 million expenditure on health care, according to National Seniors Australia (NSA).
NSA welcomed:
- Additional GP access for aged care residents; the seniors’ facility in Tuggeranong which will foster community participation of seniors;
- increased preventative breast cancer services; and
- assistance for more in-home care and maintenance of carer services.
The Seniors Grant Program has also been boosted with funding to be increased from $85,000 to $100,000 per annum.
NSA was disappointed that the budget failed to recognise the unaffordability of GP visits, public safety concerns for seniors and the increased cost of living. NSA will continue to advocate on behalf of seniors for these issues to be addressed.
The Government has also allocated $90 million to electronic health initiatives in its annual budget, including an e-health record for all residents of the territory.
Territory treasurer Katy Gallagher said the investment would fund a suite of initiatives that would put the ACT “at the forefront of e-health technology in Australia” and would give all Canberrans an opportunity for an electronic health record.
The funding would help improve safety and quality of care in hospitals, she added, with a focus on improving efficiency across the board.
Funding for seniors in NT budget
The 2009-10 Northern Territory (NT) budget contains some major funding for seniors. Senior Territorians will benefit from:
- a 92% boost to housing and land release (including $23 million for public housing);
- $2 million for supported accommodation for cancer patients and their families;
- $1.5 million for dental services to cut waiting lists; and
- $630,000 to improve cardiac services.