Road show on reverse mortgages
Reverse mortgages are rapidly becoming a new option for older homeowners to access funds. An information road show on the subject is about to run through NSW and the ACT.
Darren Moffatt, managing director of Seniors First, says “equity release plans and reverse mortgages are a great and practical way for improving quality of life in retirement, but they must be handled with care. It’s important that people are well informed.
“The recent increasing media coverage on reverse mortgages has helped to better inform consumers, but also leaves many further questions unanswered.
“Given the potentially vulnerable nature of older homeowners we see ourselves very much as a consumer advocate. Our job is to provide the necessary information people need to make an informed decision, and if requested, to work with the homeowner
to search for a solution that best suits their needs.”
Mr Moffatt says that Seniors First is providing its comprehensive information and guidance on the road as a free service for the public.
For information on dates and venues phone 1300 745 745 or visit