Queenslanders urged not to ignore signs of heart attack
Health Minister, Stephen Robertson, has urged Queenslanders not to let
pride fool them into ignoring signs they may be suffering a heart
“Approximately 25,000 Australians die from coronary heart disease each year, including more than 4,500 Queenslanders,” he said.
“More than half of all heart attack deaths occur before the patient
reaches hospital and a quarter die within an hour of their first
“If people suffer symptoms like chest pain, upper body discomfort or
have difficulty breathing they should immediately telephone Triple 0 for
an ambulance.
“Every minute counts so don’t ignore the warning signs.
“No one is going to think you’re silly if you go to hospital only to
find out you didn’t suffer a heart attack after all.
“Surviving a heart attack is much more important than preserving your
National Heart Week (April 29-May 5) is a perfect opportunity for
Queenslanders to learn more about lifestyle choices to minimise their
risk of developing heart disease.