Qld Health Minister attacks state’s nursing home shortage
Approximately $400,000 is being wasted every day in Queensland public hospitals because there are not enough nursing home places for its elderly population, Health Minister Stephen Robertson says.
Mr Robertson, addressing an Ageing Population Summit in Brisbane, said the Howard Government had clearly failed in its aged care responsibilities.
“Every single day, our hospitals are caring for an average 468 patients who need not be occupying an acute care bed,” he said.
“We are spending at least $460,000 every day caring for inpatients who really only require around $50,000 worth of aged care or community care services.
“We could admit more Queenslanders for hospital treatment if the Commonwealth would only do the right thing and open up more high care nursing home places.
The estimated population of Queensland aged 65 and over in 2006 was
9,855. This is projected to increase by 605,000 by 2026, representing an increase of 121%.