Positive living in NSW aged care awards
NSW Health has funded a two year health promotion project to recognise residential aged care providers in NSW who are implementing strategies to promote a positive approach to the prevention and management of mental health conditions.
This project has been developed by the NSW Health Older People’s Mental Health Working Group and is being managed by Aged & Community Services Association of NSW & ACT in collaboration with Aged Care Association Australia (NSW).
The Project aims to improve the quality of life and wellbeing of residents in residential aged care facilities and to promote the sharing of positive strategies within the industry. It also aims to identify, showcase and promote innovative strategies which have a positive impact on the mental health and wellbeing of residents.
A specific objective of the project is to promote awareness and support the interface between mental health specialist services and residential aged care facilities (RACFs).
Award categories:
* Category 1: Targeted strategy/ies – to improve outcomes for residents with a mental health diagnosis.
* Category 2: Universal strategy/ies – to promote the mental health and wellbeing of residents by increasing protective factors and reducing the risk of the development of symptoms of a mental health condition.
* Category 3: Selective strategy/ies – to promote maintenance and/or improvement of the mental health and wellbeing of residents with special needs. (Special needs groups may include veterans, people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander (ATSI) communities).
The Positive Living in Aged Care Award is open to all New South Wales RACFs receiving Commonwealth funding, which are currently operating the project at the time of application.
All applications for awards for 2008 must be received at ACS by close of business 30th June 2008.
For more information visit www.acaansw.com.au