Opposition alleges delay in 2008 Aged Care Assessment Round
The Shadow Minister for Ageing, Margaret May, has said the delay in announcing the 2008 Aged Care Assessment Round was unacceptable, and was putting older Australians at risk.
Mrs May said: “We are well into the second half of the year, and the Minister has not yet announced the commencement of the 2008 Aged Care Assessment Round.
“The process is usually well underway by this stage, but the Minister has dragged her feet, which is nothing short of negligent.
“Must the Minister be reminded that we are talking about the welfare of older Australians?
“And the argument that the process is waiting on the announcement of successful applicants for zero interest free loans does not wash.
“The process is months behind schedule, and the delay is having dire consequences on frail and elderly people.
“The queues of older Australians, who are waiting to access aged care beds and aged care packages are getting longer and longer, and this chronic shortage of beds has come about because older Australians are not a priority of the Minister’s.
“This treatment of older Australians is unacceptable.
“I call on the Minister to commence the Aged Care Approval Round urgently.
“Older Australians have been waiting long enough and deserve better”, Mrs May said.