Online registrations open for 2009 Australian Masters Games in Geelong
Online registrations are now open for the 12th Australian Masters Games, which will be held in Geelong from 20 February – 1 March 2009.
Australia’s largest multi-sport festival is expected to attract over 10,000 participants, who will compete in 70 sports across the Geelong region.
The Games aim to encourage lifelong participation in sport for people over the age of 30, regardless of sporting background or ability.
While the competition is important, one of the key attractions of the event is the social interaction and camaraderie experienced by the participants.
The Games will not only encourage people to get off the couch and into physical activity, they will also make a significant contribution to the Geelong economy when 10,000 competitors, plus spectators, media and officials descend upon the region.”
City of Greater Geelong Mayor, Cr Bruce Harwood, called on residents aged 30 and over to register for the Australian Masters Games.
To register, enter your details through our convenient system that allows you to register as a team or individual.
Simply go to: