NSW Seniors Peer Education Centre free health information sessions for 2009
NSW Seniors Peer Education Centre (SPEC) is now taking bookings for their free health information sessions for 2009.
This free service will be of interest to seniors groups, as well as services for seniors, carer support groups for seniors, seniors supporting a family member, support groups for seniors with a chronic illness, peak bodies covering such services, and retirement villages.
The Centre can also provide its free sessions to volunteers in contact with seniors (those aged 50 and over).
Sessions cover medication management (Quality Use of Medicines and Generics – choosing wisely between brand and generic medicines); depression in older people (Beyond Maturity Blues) and Chronic Conditions and Medicines. The latter is planned to be available from March 2009.
NSW SPEC is a not for profit organisation, auspiced by COTA SA and working in partnership with COTA NSW. The above topics are funded by the National Prescribing Service and beyondblue, the national initiative on depression.
To book a session phone (02) 9286 3868 or email nsw@spec.net.au
The Centre’s free health information sessions have formed an integral part of many seniors groups activities, and are of particular relevance to the other groups mentioned above. The Centre offers a free, high quality service, with sessions presented by a fully trained volunteer peer educator, also a senior.