NSW falling behind on basic services
The Council of Social Service of NSW (NCOSS) has called for urgent investment in public services following NSW’s poor performance, detailed in the Productivity Commission Report of Government Services 2007.
“It is clear that NSW is falling behind on many basic services,” said NCOSS acting director, Michelle Burrell.
“Services, such as housing, community care, public dental health and mental health that really make a difference to people’s lives. Without urgent investment there is a real risk that NSW will fall to the bottom of the league on human services,” she added.
NSW spends less on Home and Community Care per person that any other state.
NCOSS has consistently asked for accelerated growth funding to meet escalating need due to increases in NSW’s population of older people, and people with disability.
NCOSS has called on all political parties to adopt a series of policy and spending priorities for the State election.