NRMA helps older migrants stay safe on the roads
The Greek Welfare Centre in Newton has been awarded a $5,000 NRMA Motoring & Services Community Grant for a road safety project aimed at keeping older Greek migrant drivers safe on the roads.
The Greek Elderly Road Safety Project will help older migrant drivers with limited English skills improve their competency on NSW roads.
It will provide bi-lingual information sessions to more than 30 senior and women’s groups in the Sydney, Illawarra and the Hunter regions.
Seminars will be based on current Roads and Traffic Authority road safety guidelines and driving rules with Greek/English bi-lingual kits available to ensure key messages are understood.
The NRMA is pushing for greater education for all older drivers and their families and an improvement in the medical testing being conducted by medical practitioners across the state.
This year NRMA has awarded nearly $52,000 worth of road safety grants to 13 community groups and councils throughout NSW.