New palliative care appointment in Tasmania
One of Australia’s leading Palliative Care specialists, Professor Michael Ashby, Professor of Palliative Care, University of Melbourne, is to join Tasmania’s Palliative Care Service in January, 2007.
Professor Ashby has accepted an appointment as Professor of Palliative Care at the University of Tasmania and will be the Director of Palliative Care at the Royal Hobart Hospital.
Professor Ashby is a leading Palliative Care Physician who currently is the Professor of Palliative Care at the University of Melbourne and the Director of the Centre for Palliative Care of St Vincent’s Healthcare, Melbourne.
Tasmania’s Specialist Palliative Care Service also had recruited another senior palliative care specialist from South Australia, Dr Guy Bannink.
This will ensure full clinical staffing for the Specialist Palliative Care Service for the first time in its history. It is a great result of collaborative effort by the Specialist Palliative Care Service, the RHH, the University Faculty of Health Science and the Menzies Research Centre.