New homes in Adelaide for people with a disability
Five new homes in Adelaide’s southern suburbs will provide community housing facilities for seven people with a disability with the support of the Bedford Housing Cooperative and the State Government.
An SA Government initiative valued at over $1m has enabled the development of five modern, spacious units for seven people who were residing in ageing, two-storey housing in Goodwood.
The Bedford Housing Cooperative, a not-for-profit organisation which helps people with a disability obtain accommodation in the general community, launched the homes and residents moved in on 8 January.
In partnership with the State Government’s Office for Community Housing, Bedford provides accommodation in 20 properties across Adelaide.
Bedford chief executive officer, Max Dyason, said the new community homes offered residents a greater level of independence.
“The units are a significant upgrade from the houses these residents previously lived in so there is a lot of excitement about the move,” Mr Dyason said.
Residents were involved in the planning process and the designing and furnishing of the new homes, even down to colour schemes, giving them a real sense of ownership over the move.