New homes for older people in Morwell, Vic
Five new affordable homes for older people in Morwell have been built, thanks to a $567,000 Brumby government grant through the ‘Building More Homes Together’ project.
‘Building More Homes Together’ is a combined effort by the Brumby government and the private and community sectors to deliver more affordable homes for lower-income Victorians, by using $20 million in government funds and vacant government-owned land in partnership with private developers, not-for-profit housing providers, and registered Housing Associations.
‘Building More Homes Together’ will deliver almost 200 affordable homes across metropolitan Melbourne and country Victoria.
The five new two-bedroom units for Morwell are specifically designed for older tenants, with low steps, accessible showers and wider corridors and passageways.
In addition, each new home has rainwater tanks plumbed to the toilet cistern, and are positioned to make the best use of solar heating.
The units are close to parkland and local facilities, including shops and schools.
Total cost of the project was $767,000 with the Brumby government contributing $567,000.
The homes will be owned and maintained by Common Equity Housing, a not-for-profit company established in 1986, to provide housing and other assistance to volunteer rental housing co-ops.
The Brumby government’s partnership with Common Equity Housing Ltd extends to six sites across Victoria.