New homes for elderly single people in Victoria
Additional affordable homes for elderly single people living in Dandenong have been opened by the Minister for Housing, Richard Wynne.
The 11 one-bedroom units are part of a Government Strategy for Growth in Housing for Low Income Victorians to expand the supply of affordable housing across Victoria.
The Government is working in partnership with not-for-profit housing associations by pooling resources to build more affordable housing for lower income Victorians.
The budget for the new units for elderly single men and women was $1.89 million, including $1.4 million from the Government.
The Melbourne Affordable Housing group (MAH) provided land to the value of $460,000 through a leasing arrangement with St Mary’s Catholic Church, with tenants referred by the church.
MAH has also signed an agreement with the Government to acquire or develop 48 long-term affordable homes across Melbourne, with a total of $8.7 million in Government funding.