New free online service improves return to work
The Return to Work Knowledge Base is a world leading online service, that is endorsed by the Australasian Faculty of Occupational and Environmental Medicine.
It aims to inform employees, employers, practitioners and insurers on the best worldwide research on return to work issues.
Access is free and the research evidence is translated into plain English.
Dr Mary Wyatt Chair of the knowledge base project said work should not injure or make people sick, yet sometimes it did.
“The emotional, social and financial cost of workplace injury and illness to Australian workers and their families is unacceptable.”
Again and again the research shows that returning to work as quickly as possible after an injury or illness results in the best health outcome for workers.
Robert Hughes, the project manager said: “The knowledge base contains over 100 articles covering medical factors, the consequences of being out of work, workplace management models, attitudinal factors and return to work approaches.”
The Return to Work Knowledge Base was developed by ResWorks – The Foundation for Research into Injury and Illness in the Workplace, on behalf of WorkSafe Victoria’s RTW Fund.
Representatives of workers, employers, insurers and medical practitioners participated in a series of focus groups to identify appropriate research material and resources for the site.
Mr Hughes said “the Return To Work Knowledge Base publishes the best available research on the subject in an easy to read format. It provides practical tools and resources to achieve positive outcomes”.
ResWorks’ objective is to further knowledge, establish evidence based interventions and advocate cultural development that has practical benefits.
ResWorks members are leaders in occupational medicine and research, WorkCover policy, law and are committed to the development of best practice, healthy workplace culture and successful return to work outcomes.
The Return to Work Knowledge Base will be launched on Tuesday 11 March, 2008.