New agreement for national home and community care program
The Commonwealth and States have finally signed a new agreement to continue management of Home and Community Care (HACC)-Australia’s largest community care program.
The new agreement will enable improved, longer-term planning in the Home and Community Care program, which is funded jointly by the Australian Government and the states and territories.
The program is investing $1.65 billion in 2007-08 to provide care for about 775,000 frail older Australians, younger people with disabilities and their carers.
Planning arrangements are being improved under the new agreement, and all governments will move to three-year planning cycles, to enable greater certainty for the program’s clients, as well as for communities and service providers.
In addition to the Australian Government’s investment of more than $1 billion in the program in 2007-08, the Government will provide an additional one-off $30 million to make it easier for older people and those with disabilities to obtain services and information.
These funds will also improve national consistency in eligibility and assessment for services, to help reduce overlap and duplication in administration.