New $3 million home care service for Gold Coast
More patients will be able to receive free care at home instead of hospital, as a result of an innovative new $3 million healthcare support program to be trialled on the Gold Coast.
Health Minister Stephen Robertson said “Home Health Link will provide a range of immediate, short-term care options for public hospital patients in their own home.
“Patients will continue to receive free, quality healthcare but at home, instead of staying in hospital or being admitted there in the first place”, he said.
“It will also help ease pressure on our busy public hospitals, by reducing avoidable admissions and freeing up acute hospital beds.”
Home Health Link began on 1 July 2008 and will be trialled on the Gold Coast for 18 months.
It will be a 24-hour, seven days a week referral service available for eligible patients clinically assessed as suitable for care at home.
All referrals will be co-ordinated by local GPs plus Gold Coast Hospital and Robina Hospital emergency departments, inpatient services and discharge services.
Mr Robertson said many patients would benefit from the service including those with chronic disease, the elderly recovering from a fall, patients requiring ongoing rehabilitation, or those requiring infection control for a wound.
Services available include nursing, allied health services, facilitated access to GP services (including home visits where required), personal care, domestic assistance, supported transport, carer support/respite, child care, medical equipment, meals, emergency accommodation, overnight support, medication at other services.
It will facilitate early discharge from hospital for some patients and reduce the risk of re-admission to hospital for some former patients.
Home Health Link will be operated for Queensland Health on the Gold Coast by Home Support Services Queensland who were the successful tender.
Home Support Services operates a very successful similar program in South Australia which provided over 14,000 patients with care during 2006-07.
Access to Home Health Link will include all permanent and temporary clients within the Gold Coast City geographical area, south of Pimpama to the NSW border and west to Beaudesert Shire.
It is expected more than 4,000 care packages will be provided by Home Support Services Queensland during the 18-month pilot program.