More HACC funding for Qld aged and disabled
Older people in Queensland will receive more domestic assistance, centre-based day care, social support and respite care services, the Minister for Ageing, Justine Elliot, and the Queensland Minister for Communities, Disability Services, Seniors and Youth, Lindy Nelson-Carr, have announced.
The extra services are being made available to older people and people with a disability through a boost of $35.6 million in funding for Home and Community Care (HACC) services in Queensland.
Total available funding for HACC in Queensland for 2007-08 will rise to more than $345 million.
HACC programs from 755 service providers assisted more than 159,000 people in Queensland last year-almost 5% of the state’s total population.
Services provide community care services such as centre-based day care and respite, and home modifications and transport assistance.
The package also includes capital funds of $820,000 for Blue Care to build a new centre-based day care facility in Beenleigh, following significant population growth in the southern Beenleigh area.
Carers will also benefit from more than $1.85 million for respite care, and the establishment of Carers Queensland regional offices in Roma, Ipswich and Brisbane North.
Other significant allocations include $455,000 for major modifications to homes in the Greater Brisbane area. This is on top of the additional $949,000 allocated to the same area in 2006-07.