Minister for Ageing writes to staff and managers of Australia’s aged care services

Senator Santo Santoro, the Minister for Ageing, has written to all aged care providers to advise them that he is rolling out elements of the training program for the Aged Care Funding Instrument (ACFI) earlier than the promised April 2007 start date.
In February, there will be a series of workshops for industry representatives at which the training modules will be presented for comment and some training will begin in March.
“This will allow more time for the industry to become accustomed to the ACFI ahead of its 1 July introduction,” he said.
He has also approved extra training places for larger homes. Services with less than 80 places will be able to nominate two staff for training; services with 80 places but less than 120 may nominate three staff, and those with 120 or more places can nominate up to four.